Belmont Packaging


Company Overview


Belmont Packaging manufactures content-protecting, shelf-displaying, brand-enhancing, sustainable packaging to help customer’s products stand out, get noticed and sell more!

At the core of Belmont’s DNA is a passion for providing the best customer service, and providing that quickly. To illustrate this, we produced a suite of videos summarising the brand values, vision and featuring the staff from all four corners of the company. As well as providing great customer service they also pride themeselves on being a modern employer and wanted to showcase what life is like at the brand aside from the packaging they produce.

The finished result is now used as part of their online customer experience and across social media targeting B2B and B2C clients alike.

More videos we've done for Belmont...

‘We can’t express enough how pleased we are with the finished product. Visually it is amazing, but the real value will be as a sales tool. We work with some big brands and with that in mind we wanted our own content to match the quality of our work.

When we instructed Bigtank we told them exactly what we wanted to communicate, and they knew exactly how to help us do that. Everything from initial consultation to graphic design matched our objective and we have had great feedback on it so far’.

- Gareth Rollo, Commercial Manager, Belmont Packaging.

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Review Quotes

It was that awareness of what it was that we were trying to do that makes every pound we spent with them absolutely worthwhile.

Euan Aitken Zigaflow

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