Preston Technical


Sales and Marketing Package


Preston Technical Ltd is an Innovative and Diverse Adhesive Tape Conversion Company, Helping Industries by Providing Cutting Edge Solutions.

The challenge they had was they found alot of people weren’t aware of what they did and the global extent of their products. To tackle this a suite of videos was produced to act as a sales tool and educate potential customers on their offering.

The suite included focus videos on their TabTech brand with explainer pieces highlighting the how the product works and it’s improvement on industry norms. Additionally, a broader piece, covering their collaboration with innovation giants 3M and other capabilities gives them scope to market products to multiple sectors.

More videos we've done for Preston Technical...

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Review Quotes

It was that awareness of what it was that we were trying to do that makes every pound we spent with them absolutely worthwhile.

Euan Aitken Zigaflow

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